Nicole Kidman’s Green Cover-Up Is The Most Divisive Coat On TV

Gladys Fergerson
3 min readDec 12, 2020

“Weirdly textured, perfectly tailored and with a slouchy hood, the green coat is a standout exemplar of autumnal chic”

Olivia Singer, fashion news director

I am an enthusiastic advocate for a substantial coat wardrobe, simply for the fact that it means you can get away with wearing essentially the same outfit every day of your life (as I do) without appearing like you never get changed. Plus, in these times of remote shopping and fluctuating clothing sizes, you don’t need to worry too much about whether a coat is the perfect fit before you order it online. I think that’s why I was so taken by Nicole Kidman’s styling in The Undoing: her array of statement outerwear is absolutely unparalleled and, wandering down the streets in a Bordeaux wrap coat or the absolutely perfect lime green example, she looks like my fantasy of New York glamour — a combination of the Olsen Twins’ indulgent insouciance and the powerful elegance of ’90s Donna Karan.

The green coat is the one I was particularly besotted by: weirdly textured, perfectly tailored and with a slouchy hood, it is a standout exemplar of autumnal chic. In her fairly scathing review of The Undoing in the New Yorker, writer Naomi Fry refers to the series as part of a trend for shows “examining the shadowy psychic crevices of high-strung, upper-class white women”: Big Little Lies, Little Fires Everywhere, et al. She’s right — and there’s something curiously compelling about the way our fantasies of those sorts of women play out through their wardrobes. Kidman’s friends dress just plain rich while she, a therapist with a billionaire father, is even more privileged but wears her (clearly expensive) clothes with the bohemian spirit only the most monied can afford.

It comes back to that Olsen-inspired appeal: the best-sourced vintage that money can buy worn with eclectic ease and East Coast flair. As Fry puts it, it’s pure lifestyle porn — and, at a time where wandering down 5th Avenue feels like an otherworldly fantasy, its aesthetic appeal is more resonant than ever. Case in point: I’ve searched high and low for my own green coat, despite the fact I have no plans to leave the house for the foreseeable future. I’ve sent it as a reference to designer friends of mine and pleaded with them to make me my own version. Where will I wear it? God knows. Probably nowhere. But such is its allure that I don’t even mind.

Nicole Kidman as Grace Fraser in The Undoing.

“The green coat looks like it has been unearthed from the annals of a studio prop house. Or possibly Middle Earth”

Alice Newbold, senior news editor

Before the spine-chilling plot line of The Undoing unravelled, I was captivated by the lives of Grace and Jonathan Fraser. Would billionaire heiress Nicole Kidman really marry Hugh Grant? Why is Hugh Grant mysteriously exempt from speaking in an American accent? And the big question: Why does Grace have such wild taste in coats? Who wants to buy green coat?

