For All Mankind Season 4 Episode 9 Recap: Why Ed Stayed On Mars & 5 Other Reveals

Gladys Fergerson

“Brazil,” the ninth episode of For All Mankind’s fourth season, puts Margo Madison’s (Wren Schmidt) life in grave danger as the Goldilocks robbery has the potential to spark a global disturbance on Mars. A month after the conclusion of episode 8, the penultimate episode of For All Mankind season 4 finds Samantha Massey (Tyner Rushing) battling to replace the discriminator onboard Ranger 2. The discriminator needs to be updated soon, and time is of the essence for the asteroid heist orchestrated by Dev Ayesa (Edi Gathegi) and Ed Baldwin (Joel Kinnaman).

Even though Massey finally manages to replace the discriminator, Dev’s asteroid robbery in For All Mankind is not without its issues. A deadly series of events is started by a dangerous agreement between Miles Dale (Toby Kebbell), Ed, and Lee Jung-Gil (C.S. Lee) to capitalize on the North Korean security cameras. Miles’ freedom is seriously jeopardized because of the arrangement with the North Koreans, which also reveals to NASA and Roscosmos the intention to steal Goldilocks. The startling conclusion of As For All Mankind season 4, episode 9 lays the stage for an exciting finale that might completely alter the course of events for the M-7 countries.

Lee Takes Desperate Action To Hide The Goldilocks Heist From North Korea

The North Koreans discuss their fears about espionage with Danielle Poole (Krys Marshall) after learning that a NASA communications device has been placed in their area. Danielle finds out how much communications technology was taken to establish the secret operations center in a Happy Valley sublevel after looking into the device’s serial number. NASA and Roscosmos are still unsure about which characters from For All Mankind are attempting to take over the Goldilocks capture operation, but the North Korean commander starts looking into it himself. After tracking Miles on CCTV, he eventually discovers the operations center; however, Lee, a fellow North Korean, attacks him first.

While Lee and Commander Cho grapple, the employees of Helios emerge to investigate the disturbance. Commander Cho assaults Gerardo during the scuffle, strangling the Helios employee until Lee regains consciousness and pulls the man out. Regretfully, Lee is compelled to strangle his boss, rendering him unconscious or, worse still, unconscious on the ground outside the covert operations headquarters. Commander Cho will be extremely difficult to make disappear given the additional security, which puts Lee and the Helios employees in a difficult situation in the For All Mankind season 4 finale.

Sergei Is Murdered By An Unknown Assassin

For All Mankind season 4, episode 9 finds Margo and Sergei Nikulov (Piotr Adamczyk) making loose plans for the future following their heartfelt reunion in the previous episode. Sergei assures them that they will receive international protection in addition to jobs working for the Brazilian space program. Sadly, following the violent finale of the episode, Margo and Sergei’s ambitions to transform Brazil into a powerful space nation will remain just that. Margo and Sergei are having hamburgers in their separate hotel rooms when Sergei is fatally shot in the side of the head by an unidentified assailant.

Irina Morozova (Svetlana Efremova), Sergei’s new director of Roscosmos and former KGB handler, had probably ordered his killing. In For All Mankind season 4, episode 8, Sergei disclosed that Irina was the one who created the circumstances leading to Margo’s defection to the Soviet Union. Thus, it would make sense for Irina to have Sergei assassinated in order to obstruct Margo’s only exit. Given the arrangements they had made together, it is highly doubtful that Margo will accept the faked suicide claim that Sergei presented. Before the For All Mankind season 4 finale, Margo is more alone than ever because her greatest ally has passed away.

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